Portland Snow Sweeper  #1455

Car # 1455 is a sweeper car built for the East Side Railway of Portland, Oregon. It is the oldest car in the museum fleet. It last operated in 1954 in Portland. It was later on display at Oaks Park before the museum acquired it.

A sweeper car was used to sweep snow and dust off of the right-of-way along city streets. In many cities, trolley operators were required to plow and clean the streets in which they operated as terms of franchise agreements.

This car is undergoing an intensive restoration process. The museum plans to restore it to full operation, and your donation will help the museum reach its goal.

Car Facts

Year Built: 1898

Builder: McGuire-Cummings

Year Retired: 1954

Museum Acquired:

Track Gauge: Standard

Motors: GE 57 on McGuire Pedestal Truck

Status: Under Restoration



At the Museum

1455 in service in Portland

1455 in service in Portland